Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The pressure of being public with your weight loss journey.

The picture on the left was in 2010 and the picture on the right is a current picture. Now that I look back I do not remember myself being that large. When I looked in the mirror yes I saw a big person but not as big as I really was. I believe that our minds play tricks on us to make us think that the way we are is okay. Even now when I look in the mirror 100 pounds lights I still see the person that I once was. I have heard that it takes you longer to mentally accept losing weight as appose to the physical aspects of losing weight. When I decided to go public with my weight loss journey it was basically a way for me to hold my self accountable by taking pictures of my process and to help me remember food ideas that I come up with. I never thought that I would have people calling me their "inspiration" or asking me for advice on how to lose weight. There is a lot of pressure that comes along when you present your self to the world. It like everyone is watching your every move. Most want to see you succeed but their is also some that want to see you fail. I do love that I have shared my journey because of all the support that I have received from people all across the world. I feel that I have more people in my corner thru social media than in real life sometimes. Being that I have been overweight my entire life I do not think that some people understand the toll that it takes on a person.  I do not feel that being obese was a choice for me. It just was something that I was/am but thankfully it is something I can correct and control now.
           Once I became serious with my journey and started being more open as far as letting people know that I am trying to lose weight it seemed like everyone had an opinion as far as what I was doing or what I was eating. A person could be sitting beside me eating McDonald's yet questioning a protein bar that I could be eating. People would think one piece of bread would automatically make me gain my 100 pounds back. When you are overweight facing yourself is already a huge battle so when people that are close to you start to judge what you are doing it makes life even tougher. The last thing that I need is someone asking me "Should you be eating that?". The fact is I can eat whatever I want to eat! But I am the one who is choosing this path! I am so far from perfect! 85% of the time I do GREAT with my eating but there are time where I want some peanut butter cookies or a freaking waffle which is totally fine! My life is not all about trying to be skinny I am just trying to be healthy overall.


  1. Beautiful said..... this journey is a hard journey I fight that takes your all... continue to strive for greatness!

    1. agreed it def takes ALL out of you but it will be worth it in the end!!

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  3. I can't began to tell you just how proud of you I am. You are truly an inspiration to me and many many others. Continue on your journey of becoming a healthier you. Regardless of what you or anyone else is striving to achieve, there will ALWAYS be critics; however, do not let them discourage you. Continue to remember where you started and compare it to where you are now, your progress is absolutely amazing!!!!!!! Keep up the hard work and the result will be worth all of the doubts. I love you Mo Mo:-)

    1. awww thank you hunny! i still got a long road ahead but i appreciated all of yall for believing in me sometimes when i dont even beleive in my self ! love you 2 hun!!

  4. I'm so proud of you and the woman you've become. Keep up the good work boo! :)

    1. thanks my love muah muah!! and thank you for keep getting on me about this!! def wouldnt have did this without you!!!
